
This black box theater on the 7th floor of the Rose Building on West 65th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue offers an intimate experience to its audiences, which are seated only a few feet from the stage. Presentations have ranged from family programs and fantastical puppetry shows by Basil Twist and Rezo Gabriadze to director Katie Mitchell’s acclaimed White Light Festival production of T. S. Eliot’s work Four Quartets with British actor Stephen Dillane.  

The Clark Studio Theater is located on the 7th floor of the Rose Building on West 65th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. To reach the Rose Building, take the stairs, elevator, or escalator from street level to plaza level, on the north side of the street. The theaters are accessible from the elevators inside the lobby. To reach the Clark Studio Theater by subway, take the 1 train to 66th Street—Lincoln Center. The M5, M7, M10, M11, M66 and M104 bus lines all stop within one block of the venue.


Samuel B. & David Rose Building
165 West 65th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10023

April 04 at 12:30 pm

Big Umbrella Festival
Kids, Teens, and Families

When the World Turns

Lincoln Center Presents

April 04 at 12:30 pm

Clark Studio Theater, Rose Building

Become part of a wild place of the senses where you can see, hear, touch, smell, and feel this living, breathing world as it reveals itself.

April 04 at 3:30 pm

Big Umbrella Festival
Kids, Teens, and Families

When the World Turns

Lincoln Center Presents

April 04 at 3:30 pm

Clark Studio Theater, Rose Building

Become part of a wild place of the senses where you can see, hear, touch, smell, and feel this living, breathing world as it reveals itself.

April 05 at 12:30 pm

Big Umbrella Festival
Kids, Teens, and Families

When the World Turns

Lincoln Center Presents

April 05 at 12:30 pm

Clark Studio Theater, Rose Building

Become part of a wild place of the senses where you can see, hear, touch, smell, and feel this living, breathing world as it reveals itself.

April 05 at 3:30 pm

Big Umbrella Festival
Kids, Teens, and Families

When the World Turns

Lincoln Center Presents

April 05 at 3:30 pm

Clark Studio Theater, Rose Building

Become part of a wild place of the senses where you can see, hear, touch, smell, and feel this living, breathing world as it reveals itself.