La Manga is a Brooklyn-based cultural identity laboratory inspired by the spirit of the modern and ancestral people of the Colombian Caribbean coast. This collective of women artists—composed of Daniela Serna, Andrea Chavarro, Katherine Ocampo, and Lina Fernanda Silva—work to foster a creative community that accesses the Afro-Colombian tradition by drumming as a lifeline to connect diverse cultures. In performance, the group honors Black and indigenous oral traditions by engaging the power of Afro-Colombian percussion, including tambor alegre, tambor llamador, tambora y maracas, and celebrating life through storytelling, dance and song. La Manga have performed at Joe's Pub, Nublu, MoMA PS1, Museum of the City of NY, Queens Theater, Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, and the Arrebato Queer Party.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or [email protected].


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