The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club
Founded in 1859, The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club is one of the oldest collegiate choruses in the United States and has been long acclaimed as one of the finest male choruses in the world. The Glee Club is known for its wide repertoire of music that incorporates selections from different musical styles and periods including Renaissance, Romantic, opera, folksongs, spirituals, contemporary, and, of course, Michigan songs.
The scope of the Men’s Glee Club reaches far beyond rehearsals and performances; the Club is a vibrant social organization with a national outreach program to diverse communities called “Brothers in Song.” The graduate and undergraduate members of the Glee Club represent many diverse fields of study in the majority of the University’s 19 schools and colleges. The Friars, an a cappella subset of the Glee Club, serve as an extension of Club as they maintain an ambitious performing schedule.
"Laudes atque Carmina" Charles M. Gayley, Albert A. Stanley
"Christus Resurgens" Irish Chant circa 1150, arr. Michael McGlynn
"Truth" Connor Koppin
"Veni Creator Spiritus" Timothy C. Takach
"Die Rose stand im Tau" Robert Schumann
"The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard" Benjamin Britten
"The Turtle Dove" Ralph Vaughan Williams
"The Word Was God" -Rosephanye Powell, arr. William C. Powell
"MLK" U2, featuring The Friars
"We Shall Overcome" Uzee Brown, Jr.
"To Repair" Tesfa Wondemagegnehu [WORLD PREMIERE]
I. America: Truth
II. Black Baby: Investment
III. Calling Dreams: Resilience
IV. God's Gonna Set This World on Fire: Renewal
"I Have Had Singing" Ron Jeffers
"I'll Ne'er Forget My College Days" Earl V. Moore
"The Michigan Medley" 'Tis of Michigan We Sing -composer unknown
A Toast to Michigan -Louis Elbel
I Want to Go Back to Michigan -composer unknown
"Varsity & The Victors" J. Fred Lawton and Louis Elbel
"The Yellow and Blue" Michael W. Balfe